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My name is Maria, and as someone who has been battling with her mental health for over 7 years, I have always dreamt of helping others heal.

Arts and Crafts has always been my go-to coping mechanism. Sometimes speaking how you really feel inside isn’t an option, but expressing yourself and releasing your inner creativity can help heal you in so many ways.

This is more than just a “small business”, it is something I created so that I cannot only continue to heal myself but help inspire others to continue or even begin their journey.

I wish to share my Art with the world, and raise money for The Mental Health Foundation.

I know reaching out can be very difficult, especially if you feel that you don’t have the access to extra support in your life, but I promise there are people out there who CAN and WILL help the best that they possibly can.

Please never forget that you are not alone, don’t be ashamed or embarrassed about how you are feeling. This is a safe space that is judgement free.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to

(988) The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Help is always available, and healing is always possible. You are strong and you are worth every second.

Take care, much love.

~ Maria @ Strawbebes ~

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Shop tons of kawaii items including our new

Miss Strawbie Hat !!

About Us

“ STRAWBEBES is a small business created by Maria. It has always been a dream of hers as someone who has been living with diagnosed mental health conditions to help raise awareness as well as share her talent with the world in hopes of bringing others together through arts and crafts. She plans on donating a portion of her earnings to The Mental Health Foundation, as well as begin her journey to help others heal. “

Meet The Owner

  • Maria



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Bloomington, IN